I need to feel that I can also be as capable as them who have a business along side their normal jobs. That is the wisest thing to do these days, not to just be content with what is coming from your salary because it truly is not contenting.
And the best idea I have right now is to help house owners around who definitely needs my help with their lawn maintenance and gardening. This idea came up with the success of dallas lawn maintenance. Imagine turning a jungle into a beautiful garden again! What an exhilirating experience and achievement you will have each time.
Another is the high demand of personalized items to give away in line with the thought that there is not much competition anymore. I myself have looked for one but it took me 3 hours drive to just to get one. Thanks to dallas embroidery for reminding me that it is a great business option.

School year 2011 starts on June here on my end, and kids are
the major thought each time school comes up. I simply am considering kids backpacks. And they don't even use them for the sole purpose of schooling. They even seek for cute bags for vacation, for malling, for going out!
What do you think? 3 great ideas so far...and I am getting more and more excited. If you were me, what would it be?