Being in a world filled with stress, it is not surprising that people tend to escape heartaches and failures with even temporary relief to forget and ease the burden a little. Though more often than not the path to that is not even perceived until almost half way there. Believing that "occasional" drink here and there is TOTALLY harmless, the individual becomes in denial of possible "habitual occasional" drinking (puffing or popping up as well) thus ending up in being completely hooked with the intake. Most even starts with...

There were times that I look in the mirror with a thought in my head, "What if I have a change in my appearance?"Like when I was in my 2nd year at work decades ago and being the same ol' me that my colleagues known me to be. I suddenly feel bored with how I look; that somehow I wanted to feel the welcome they gave me on my first day, a new intriguing person to know. And so, i decided to cut my waist length hair to a stylish layered shoulder...

I was visiting back friends when I came across this post from Useful Information about New Sony VIAO E series laptops that made me drool. I left a comment admitting to my craving to have a laptop of my own. I truly hope to have one someday, and none less satisfactory than what was said about New Sony VIAO E series.Of course it is mighty blessed of me to have this PC already but laptops are really cool. Imagine carrying it around and...
I firmly believe that those people who just can’t stop match making are simply hopeless romantics. It’s like they are feeling the need to find the right man and the right woman and just could not resist paving a way for them to be together.I have a romantic soul myself, but I guess I’m not as selfless as these match makers to put up much time in joining to people together. It is obviously their joy to succeed in finding other people’s soul mate, best match or possible mates.I have seen a movie like this before (Hitch, if you...
I have not known a single individual to despise pizza. Seems like everybody do love pizza! And I for one is a pizza lover. So much so that every time I am out, I crave to have one; either to at least taste a slice or eat half the pan of eight slices.And it is a dream for me to be able to taste ALL pizza flavors all over the world. Thin slices please! In our country I can say that I have tried most, if not all flavors of different pizza parlors. Number one topping not be taken out of my pizza is Mozzarella Cheese. Prefers...
June is coming, and many amongst us wishes to be a June Bride! Well, not for me actually because I’d like to have a December wedding. Yet no matter what day it is going to be, it is our own special day therefore we have every right to make happen what we want down to the tiniest detail.And for brides, the wedding gown is one of the most important of details that has to be PERFECT. Perfect fit, perfect design, perfect choice! And there’s so much to choose from; from the material, the style and cut of the dress to the design...
One of my college friends is a daughter to a retired BIR Commissioner. And now that almost all of her and her siblings are in Canada, their parents are out traveling around the world enjoying. What a way to finally have the much needed “break”. But I believe that we don’t need to grow old to do that. What if we don’t ever grow old or reach that day when we are done with our responsibilities?Why not believe that you deserve a treat for being the best that you are? Or a well-deserved present to your better half? Oh how...
I received this warning and it's making me freak out! My blog is not even a week old and I have this?! I am just starting to have friends and then scare them away with a WARNING PAGE?! THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!Your blog is marked as spam (duh???)Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false...

If there are obese, overweight or over nourished individuals, there also are under nourished. But it is a lot easier to gain than to lose, unless there are clinical problems involve like thyroid problems that increases metabolism, mechanical problems and diseases that hinders absorption. Otherwise, it is as simple as FILLING UP with high, calorie dense food and beverages.It is understandable that in this fast pace of life we live by,...
Just as I am allergic to dust, I am also allergic to dogs. Dog hairs and their very scent! I used to have childhood asthma but out grew them, unfortunately the allergy to it stayed. I envy those who can play with their pet dogs, dress them up and show them off to friends. Another concern is the changing times, of how much house owners benefit from guard dogs. I was thinking about this lately, until I’ve seen the movie Mission Impossible again yesterday and noticed that unbelievable security system they breached where even...

In connection to the last 2 posts, people have their own weaknesses! And if EATING is your weakness and it’s the only hindrance to your achieving your goal of living your dream of reaching that desired body weight…then THAT IS WHERE YOU SHOULD FOCUS, the very root cause of your problem. In so saying, in solving every problem and in curing any disease you have to target the root cause. Yours will be EATING TOO MUCH.I have seen obese...

That last post about sweets made me think more seriously about weight loss, and the frustration that I believe to be felt by most as well for not accomplishing the goal of achieving the right weight. Either because you are off to work or preparing for it at five o’clock in the morning (or even earlier) and be home by nine o’clock in the evening leaving you less than an hour to clean up, eat and let the food digest a little before having...
Sweet tooth me is having difficulty resisting the urge to have my dessert at Sugar House upon seeing their mouth watering cakes. I feel my legs taking me inside each time I pass and see from their glass counter cakes and pastries begging me to bite them. I can almost feel the creamy taste melting in my mouth now. The aroma of coffee and cake combination will undo whatever resistance I have each time.Thank God I'm gifted with a small frame and not so many fat cells, because if not, I definitely will be looking like our refrigerator...

Driving a long the Highway, it always makes me drool whenever I see an MB pass me by. I love the black or gray or chrome with light tint color. Very elegant. I can't help but imagine myself in it and as I pull-out of this salivating baby, I see myself with an attache case, dressed in fine corporate attire and door being held by the concierge. POOF! Dream has to end with a blast of horn.Of course, it is not surprising for anyone to...

I love to read...and my mom is at losing ends not knowing where to put my stack of books already. Filled are my book cases (inside and outside my room), should-have-been-cupboards, "under's"like under the bed, under the table, under the sink; our house can be called a library almost. BUT I just don't have the heart to part with books that I still read over and over.Well, until I learned about acquiring a copy inside my pc. HOW NEAT CAN...
Decades ago it's just snail mails that takes forever to reach it's destination and back for the reply. But now, it's mere seconds for you to have an answer to an urgent message.And so there is NO reason at all for you to say you have communication gap with your relatives or friends. Bridge that gap with your mobile. And it's so easy to have one these days even at a cheap cost. And because mobile networks understood that need as well is offering a great number of plans and even with free mobile phones. Grab these superb...

It is has been since the first man and woman that body protection and covering had been founded. If before it has been a "need" to have something on, now it's more than that...because now it also is for the "want". Clothing and dressing up evolved through time; from materials to styles.Fashion came through and people from every corner of the globe have their own trends and craze. Not only the city folks have certain "norms of the society"...

Your dream coming true has to be treated nicely. Your wedding is finally to take place, and it has to be the best it can ever be. You have pictured it a dozen times already; since childhood you have it in your mind…but it’s much, much easier to plan it in your head than in reality. And you definitely do not want to have the slightest glitch to happen on your special day!Then what you need is a wedding planner. They can iron out any...

Who would not want to see the marvelous creation made for man? There's so much to see and you cannot do so at one place, at one time. Travel the world over and experience the implausible reality that you can’t live enough to enjoy them all…thus, do not let the attainable pass you by.Board the plane and fly above the clouds. Just make sure to choose the best flight, the best airline to truly take you to your destination with none to the...
I have always dreamed of having a nice place to go home to…and nothing nicer but my dream house. My dream, a modern way of living with a magnificent pool to splash away the heat of the day or dip in at balmy nights. It actually need not be a gigantic place but a place to call my own. A place I designed or agreed with, with landscapes to drool over and a kitchen to die for. I definitely would love modern furniture than old-fashioned...
I am personally disclosing that this blog is written by me and only me; and all posts inclusive since 12 March 2010. Content is of personal opinion, view, belief and knowledge but ensures honesty and fairness. In the event that you have questions or reactions, as some topics may present conflict of interest, feel free to let me know in the COMMENTS AREA of any post. As in other policies, “any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider...