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Posted by bleep Thursday, December 22, 2011

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Contest Factory. All opinions are 100% mine.


Who would think that being messy in your workspace or office can make you WIN A HIGH END COMPUTER SYSTEM or AN ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?!

Is your office space a pile of trash?  Maybe dark and not at all conducive, cannot be the idea of good working area, or is too small a space with loads of old furniture?  You can say that it’s the worst, most pathetic, truly unorganized office or cubicle with forgotten technology, too noisy environment or simply worth packing your things from and never to come back again…but now this type of crappy office can actually win you a price.

Pimp My Cube is willing to award you prizes if you would just join the contest from 12 noon of December 5, 2011 to 12 noon of January 31, 2012.


It’s as simple as just uploading a video of your office, explain why it’s so terrible and why the Contest Factory should “Pimp” your cube.  The more interesting your story is, the greater chance of winning.  It will be your own creativeness on how to deliver; anything goes. It can be funny, scary, whatever.  Or simply “just be witty with your approach”.

Winner will be judged by Contest Factory judges according to the BEST OF THE WORST’s video of office or cube, those with the most VOTES, and that which has the MOST COMPELLING STORY.  Sweepstakes entry points can be gained through registering, voting, commenting and inviting others to register as well.

As none yet has joined as of this time, your chances of winning is really good.  And its so easy to upload a video either from your mobile or webcam.


Want to warrant a thankful boss with such chances of winning superb prizes of:

Ø  New high end computer system

Ø  New Desk, chair, decorations

Ø  New entertainment package with high end stereo, espresso machine, and more


Or maybe the random drawing of $200 gift certificate as second price at the end of the contest period?


Wait no more.  Come and visit PMC site to register and start uploading.  Once video is approved all you have to do is ask your friends and love ones to vote on your Pimp My Cube Contest video to further increase the chance to convert your crappy place a happy place!

Visit Sponsor's Site


Posted by bleep Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life is not getting any easier to live. We have to admit that there are way too many trials to face, and we just can’t go facing them alone. We naturally encounter difficulties and problems along the way, and at times that we are at our lowest we need to be reminded that we are not alone. And the best way is through the magic of touch. Surprising as it seem, even just the warmth of a friends palm on our back comforts us.

…this brings to mind the Healing touch technique shared most recently by Laura Silva. She reminded me of the comfort I seek from my mother when I was young and tumbled in the ground or when I cut myself with the toy I am playing with. True that with the mere soothing voice and the touch of love when she rubbed my back as I control my tears, everything felt better. As an adult, we still need the pampering. And the magic of touch heals even our deepest wounds. We get healed.

It is not a wonder why I connect this to the power of positive thinking. That kind of touch made me convince myself that everything is alright now, and this becomes the Holistic healing practices of being in that relaxed state, the Alpha and Theta brain state. This is when we can think straight without having the emotions interfere. In this state we become at ease, we get trained to be stressed free enough to do away with diseases, illnesses and those other factors that leads to being sick. It is said that we need to develop healing imagery where we imagine to achieve that perfectly healthy us we hope to be in. we visualize it to be a reality and it will. We also have to learn to Master our thoughts; in particular, the D-B-E process or the Desire, Belief and Expectancy. It is defined as “You know what you want; you believe it will happen; and you expect it to happen.”

The mind is powerful. If we only accept it enough to learn its capability of healing ourselves, may it be from physical, emotional or mental pain. Let us also share that capability by convincing others of its power and by using “touch” as the tool to the achievement of that goal. A firm but gentle handshake to convey your message of empathy, a warm squeeze on the shoulder, a press of your palm on the cheek, a hug…all those simple but effective ways to show that they are not alone…it will help convince that they are comforted and that they can make it through.


Posted by bleep Friday, December 9, 2011

I have always believed in positive thinking. It is not just on how the brain work as in accordance to science with the alpha, beta, theta or the delta stages and everything that is being said to brain waves INSTEAD on how negativity affects your own output in life and its effect on your decision making, on how your day goes, the being you that affects those others around you, etcetera.

Now I crave to always be reminded on this and not get affected with life happenings. It is but natural that we have differing reaction to things. Two people sitting in the waiting room for news of their love ones brought to the emergency room for the accident that has happened will probably accept the passing of that love one the same way but their recovery may differ. One may end up at peace offering it all to God and continue living though feeling the loss, while the other may end up confused, bitter, angry, hopeless thus next to being dead themselves. It is how we see things. How we decide to face adversities and trials.

There always is a bright side and a dark side. There is negative energy and positive energy. But it lies within us which will we entertain that which will affect us the most. IT IS OUR CHOICE. But who would want a life filled with misery when you can have a peaceful one? I personally would choose the happy place. And this is what led me to Silva’s advice on positivity to improve life. She gave 3 steps:
Silva focuses on the brain state, alpha state, where one is most relaxed. This is when one is in meditation or in a light sleep but awareness is said to be heightened. More like a mental exercise and in the same way letting yourself in this state to give you the chance to deal with things in life you can’t deal with while fully awake. It is like convincing yourself that you can do them and so will be able to. And then in this state, you will also reprogram what is on your mind. Change all the negatives with positives. Only beautiful things will exist. Then when you are awake you can also see these instead. You get to tell a story, make a new story for you to live in.


Posted by bleep Sunday, December 4, 2011

SLURP! I remember the wedding I attended just 2 weeks ago and can't help wishing for that pasta they served second, a fettucine pasta with pesto sauce.

Actually now browsing through in hopes of learning how to make one as that. Believe me...truly mouthwatering! Anyone can give me an advice on how to make an outstanding pesto pasta?


Posted by bleep

I wished I can be as confident as those speakers I listen to in conventions. They handled themselves pretty well sharing their knowledge, relates it to experiences or however they convey to be in line with the theme. Some are serious and direct. Some are light and funny. But the important thing is that they are effective. I believed myself incapable of being a speaker fronting a large group, even an individual scared me before. Until I was given the chance to prove myself better than I believe myself to be. Until I was able to truly gain self confidence.

My superior saw in me the wit I did not see in myself. I did not recognize the sensitivity to others she said will send the message across. Probably because I was young and naïve. If at first I was merely trying to do my job as directed of me by having the bravado I don’t actually feel as inside I was a nervous wreck, it changed into something I became proud of each time I was able to handle myself in front of people. Until I can became the speaker I never thought I will be speaking in front of hundreds of people.

YOU CAN DO IT IF OTHERS CAN! It is but a matter of wanting to change into something better. It is a CHOICE TO CHANGE to be better. And then you keep dreaming and hoping to achieve your goal. Do what is needed like learning. If you want to be a musician learn the notes, if you want to be a professional study, if you want to be able to draw learn the basic and keep practicing…and more! And more means no stopping. Think of ways that will help you reach your goal. You might be able to perfect your playing with the piano but without connections you still are not halfway your goal. Look further ahead with the paths to fulfillment. Each and every branch through it will be helpful therefore try and travel them.

If you crave to be better as I once did and still do, learn how to change your life. I am again inspired to do so when I came across Quantum Jumping’s post on change. Burt Goldman says how you live now affects “you” in your future as much as the past affects your present, and so the past is why your future is as it is. They are interrelated. And so touches on why not make your past predict your future. That there is no NOW because what you have just said or did become the past instantly. It’s more like why not always do what is for your future. Interesting, eh?

…crave as I do! (wink!)


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...and be a part of my week along with friends in the blogosphere in somehow sharing our choices of this and that in this crazy world we live in. There is no right or wrong after all...WE ARE GIVEN FREE WILL TO CHOOSE (wink!)




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